segunda-feira, 6 de abril de 2015

Aborted ‎- (2014) The Necrotic Manifesto

Aborted ‎- (2014) The Necrotic Manifesto:

01 Six Feet Of Foreplay
02 The Extripation Agenda
03 Necrotic Manifesto
04 An Enumeration Of Cadavers
05 Your Entitlement Means Nothing
06 The Davidian Deceit
07 Coffin Upon Coffin
08 Chronicles Of Detruncation
09 Sade & Eibertine Lunacy
10 Die Verzweiflung
11 Excremental Veracity
12 Purity Of Perversion
13 Of Dead Skin & Decay
14 Cenobites
15 Arise (Sepultura Cover)

Tome uma Pauleira no cachola:

Visite a página do artista: Aborted

Caia Na Pauleira !!!

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